Data Engineer

If you are passionate about working with cutting-edge technologies, especially in the Azure ecosystem, and possess a background in building and optimizing data warehouses, we would like to hear from you!


Bunker Holding is expanding its Data Engineering team and is now seeking a Data Engineer, who will be part of transitioning data systems from an On-Premise SSIS-based BI system and from Azure Data Platform (based on Azure Synapse) to Microsoft Fabric. All of this is in pursuit of a unified data platform for BI and AI solutions.

You will collaborate closely with the business in building platforms and solutions. As a member of our team, you will work alongside skilled, passionate, and ambitious colleagues who strive for functional excellence and collaboration.



As our new Data Engineer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining scalable data pipelines and architecture using Microsoft Fabric. Additionally, you will collaborate with cross-functional teams to understand data requirements and implement solutions that meet business needs.

Your responsibilities also include:
• Implementing and optimizing data storage solutions with a focus on data warehousing.
• Leveraging Microsoft Fabric for efficient and scalable data processing.
• Ensuring data quality, integrity, and security throughout the data lifecycle.
• Troubleshooting and optimizing existing data infrastructure for performance and reliability.
• Keeping updated on emerging industry trends and best practices for continuous improvement.



We envision that you have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science, information technology, or a similar field, along with 2+ years of experience as a Data Engineer, with a particular emphasis on the Azure ecosystem.

Additionally, we expect you to have:
• Hands-on experience with data storage, e.g., using Spark, Databricks, and Delta Lake.
• Programming skills in languages such as Python and SQL.
• Experience in data modeling, ETL development, data storage, and data warehousing.
• Good understanding of data governance, security, and best practices compliance.
• Excellent communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment.
• Experience with Microsoft Fabric, Power BI Service, and Desktop would be advantageous.

The office is located in Middelfart, and it will be possible to work remote 2 days per week.


About Bunker Holding

Bunker Holding is the largest company in the Danish, family-owned United Shipping & Trading Company (USTC) and is a world leader in bunker trading. Since 1981, Bunker Holding has specialized in procuring, selling, and supplying bunker and lubricating oil to the shipping segment. Bunker trading, risk management, and physical operations (Bunker One) are the three main business areas. Bunker Holding has a global presence with 62 offices in 32 countries and more than 1,500 specialized employees.


For more information on this position, please contact TalentPeople A/S at +45 7020 4011 – or send us your CV at